Thursday, July 10, 2008

'Laissez-vous faire, Milord,

Venez dans mon royaume!'

And I'm sorry to be redundant about my royaume, such as it is, but when I turned on the BBC World Service very late last night (this is what happens when there are too few dishwasher-volunteers and one's 'nap' ends at 11:30 PM), the first upcoming story they promoted was about an 800-year-old Dominican church in Maastricht, once serving a long-since-destroyed friary, eventually turned into bike storage, and now become a bookstore. (Both those links go to stories on the converted building.)

Seriously. I don't ask for this stuff. And it's getting odd. I'm scared that if someone should send me a gift of an old book found in their grandfather's attic they thought would amuse me, it's going to be Tintin and the Black Friars, or that if I haphazardly throw on an Edith Piaf CD in the car, 'Milord' and 'L'Accordéoniste' will have been replaced somehow by a recording of a Dominican Mass.

(By the way, try one on for size at the historic Blessed Sacrament church in Seattle's University District, on 8/8/08, as part of their centenary celebration. I make no guarantees about la Piaf or Tintin being there, however.)

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