Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I'm Such a Liar.

I totally lied. But I have no time to write about anything interesting. So the ugly pants table will have to do. And I'm sorry. Really. It hurts me more than it does you. I'm not lying.


Anonymous said...

please, blessed deity, tell me this isn't in your home with all the lovely nice furniture.

Vifargent said...

Mwahahaha! No indeed, that would be like wearing polyethylene terephthalate 'fleece' 'sweaties' whilst languidly sipping a Brunello and reading Paz on the Indonesian settee (which you haven't seen but no doubt can imagine). I'm just hideously short of absurd stories at the moment. Haven't managed to get lost in weeks! If I can think of a topic I can stay away from the ugly pictures for a while...