Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Personally, I Love that Santa Claus Joke

But I'm an idiot, so it stands to reason. Also I still love the one from a Christmas cracker about a million Christmases ago, wherein the psychologist asks the patient how long he has thought he was a dog. The patient replies, 'Depuis que je suis chiot,' which was even funnier to me when I thought that 'chiot' meant sheep, which gives you a significant and no doubt chilling insight into my desperate sense of humor.

And since you didn't ask, and since the only joke I've put on here was the ghastly one about Santa Claus and pizza, here's an equally well-traveled one about Jesuits and Dominicans (there are millions, I assure you, and at times the Dominicans get the upper hand instead):

A Jesuit (sometimes it's a Franciscan or something else) and a Dominican were debating about whose order was the greater. After months of arguing, they decided to ask for an answer from God when they died. Years later, they met in heaven and decided to go to the throne of God to resolve their old disagreement. God seemed a bit puzzled about the question and told them he would reply in writing a few days later. After much deliberation, God sent the following letter:

My beloved children,

Please stop bickering about such trivial matters. Both of your orders are equally great and good in my eyes.

Sincerely yours,

God, S.J.

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