Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My Sad Mazda, Sadder Still...

In other news, they robbed my car again, this time going into the trunk, and leaving it wide open after the plundering, too. May they enjoy the CDs of Ottoman court music and Jimmie Rodgers, and the spare tire, as much as I did. Interestingly, the old pairs of work shoes in the back remain where they were, but they stole my perfumes (they'll have a bloody existential crisis when they see how very little they smell like the vanilla-and-treacle scents at the store) and a stupid spiral notebook. If I thought any of this was going to be useful to someone, I wouldn't care, but this is just stealing-because-you-can. I could be wrong, but I doubt profoundly that many car prowlers would be thrilled to discover their loot consisted of Turkish classical music and yodeling!

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